Summer School

Se perfectionner pour mieux intervenir
Workshops – Conferences – Discussion
Expert speakers in the field of aging, cognitive health and neuropsychology
Diversified and high-quality training in French
- Gathering of successful practices
Promotion of active collaboration between researchers, teachers and professionals in a French-speaking context
What is the summer school ?
The summer school CNFS – Glendon’s component on health and aging aims to share knowledge between researchers, managers, decision-makers from public health institutions, administrators and the general public; to target and fill existing gaps in the field of cognitive health, neuropsychology and aging in order to better serve the linguistic and francophone communities living in a minority situation.
For whom is it intended?
For all professionals working with seniors: Nurses in private and public nursing homes, nurses in hospitals and community health centers, managers, social workers, doctors, pharmacists, nutritionists, caregivers and nursing assistants, occupational therapists, nutritionists, professors, etc.