Certificate in dementia and cognitive health
Who is this program for?
For front-line healthcare workers who want to develop expertise in neurodegenerative disorders and maximize the offer of health services in French.
Training price for the certificate
$1680 ($560 per courses*)
*All courses will be taught in French.
Santé cognitive et troubles neurodégénératifs
Acquire knowledge on neurodegenerative diseases and practical interventions for a better screening and management.
Cerveau et comportement: une introduction aux neurosciences
Understand functions of different regions of the nervous system and their roles
in our actions.
Santé cognitive et prévention des troubles neurodégénératifs: une approche intégrale
Explore lifestyle habits that play a role in dementia (eg., stress, nutrition, etc.) and acquire behavior modification techniques to implement best practices.
*Total of 9 credits transferable to the B.Sc./B.A. specialized in cognitive neuropsychology at Glendon College.
Applications for admission
Classes start: September 2023 – online
Application deadlines
Make sure you meet these admission periods by term before submitting an application.
Fall 2020: April 1, 2023
Winter 2021: September 30, 2023
Summer 2021: January 30, 2023
Admission Requirements
Please contact Geneviève Quintin, Associate Director of Glendon Centre for Cognitive Health, by email at gquintin@glendon.yorku.ca or by phone at 416-736-2100 ext. 88365.
For more information, please visit our website
www.centredesantecognitive.ca or contact Geneviève Quintin, Associate Director of Glendon Centre for Cognitive Health, by phone at 416-736-2100 ext. 88365 or by email at gquintin gquintin@glendon.yorku.ca.